Donations and Sponsorships

Donations and sponsorships

Coca‑Cola HBC Croatia invests in the development of the community and supports projects and initiatives across the country.

In line with our strategic priorities as a socially responsible and sustainable business, as a company, we support projects that offer long-term solutions and bring a particular benefit to communities.

Our priorities for sponsorships and donations are:

  • The development and education of young people
  • Community wellbeing – activities that support healthy lifestyles
  • Environmental protection

Please keep in mind that we do not support individual requests for sponsorships and donations. We do however, work with a large number of partner organisations that serve the community and are available to individuals.

Requests for sponsorship or donations can be sent to

In case that we can grant you support, our employees from competent departments will provide you with instructions on further development of the procedure for granting donations or sponsorships within thirty workdays.

If your request is not approved, you will not receive any further information.

The request will not be approved for one of the following reasons:

- if the company is unable to accept a donation or sponsorship within the investment activities in the community, which have been earmarked in the budget for the calendar year;

- if the request for a donation or sponsorship of a project, initiative or event for which support is being asked is not in line with Coca‑Cola's global guidelines on such a type of support and

- if the request is not sent at least thirty calendar days before the event, for which a donation or sponsorship is being asked.

Thank you for contacting us and we wish you success.

Coca‑Cola HBC Croatia

Public Affairs and Communications Department